Autour du cours25 fév. 2025
International migration is at the heart of the major transformations taking place in today's world. Whether migration flows are motivated by economic, political, climatic or social reasons, they have a profound influence on societies of origin, transit and destination. Understanding these dynamics not only enables a deeper analysis of the economic, demographic, and cultural issues at play but also helps dismantle stereotypes and shed light on the challenges and opportunities they present. In a context of globalisation and multiple crises, learning about international migration is essential if we are to adopt an informed and nuanced view of a phenomenon that is shaping our common future.
The Université de Liège's MOOC From international migration to superdiversity: how human mobility is transforming societies? aims to provide the essential tools for analysing international migration. Each course module deals with a key stage in the migration process: Itinerary and journey. How do we migrate? - Transit and stages. How diverse are migratory routes? - Arrival and settlement - Integration - Return and transnationalism.
Through in-depth analyses of migration trends, reception policies and socio-economic impacts, this MOOC highlights the diversity of migratory experiences and the economic, social and political issues involved. Case studies from different regions illustrate the specific contexts and challenges faced by migrants around the world. Experts from various fields, such as sociology, political science and economics, contribute to enrich the analyses.
The teaching objectives of this MOOC include mastery of the vocabulary associated with migration, critical analysis of migration policies and the study of migratory routes. By drawing on historical, sociological and political perspectives, this course aims to challenge common assumptions and reflect on the challenges and opportunities associated with migration in a globalised world.
This MOOC is open to a wide audience, including students, professionals and anyone interested in migration issues.
To find out more and register, click here.
Université de Liège
Enrollment deadline: 31 August 2025
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